what is wrong with some people?! so last night tony is at the mariners game with my brother ben and I get a phone call from him. turns out, tony just got a phone call from his cousin in new mexico who told tony that his little brother was dead. Oh my god! I ask tony if it happened in prison he says yes (his brother was dumn and got his ass put in a colorado prison for the second time- this time for 40+ years) but that is beside the point. So tony calls his older brother (jr) to get details. Fabian (his cousin) heard from tony's dad that brandon (the convict) had been ordered by some rival gang to kill someone and he doesn't know if brandon was s et-up or what but he was the one that got killed (or something close to this story). Jr was telling tony that his dad didn't want to tell them because of jr's wedding in a couple weeks etc... tony assumed it was because he wouldn't be able to pay to get brandon's remains etc... when tony got home he called the prison but since it was the middle of the night they had no information and told him to call back in the morning. we thought it was a little fishy when we looked up on the inmate locator and there was no mention of being deceased and when he talked to the sargent on duty they seemed confused and asked if he was killed at this prison or did we have the wrong priosn. maybe we thought they just couldn't get into details. so tony called back first thing this morning and talked to brandon's case worker- he is a live and well in his pod. WTF?!! What is wrong with his dad? why is he saying tHis stuff when it isn't true- we know he likes attention etc. but give me a break! he put his family through HELL. especailly since we just lost my dear grandfather this week. if anyone is confused why we still don't have contact with these people. this is why!
absolutely horrible thing to do...
MAN! Not cool. I don't understand why someone could say something so cruel!
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