Sunday, February 27, 2011

Everyone's mama

I am trying to wrap my head around this and I just can't. I can not even put into words what is going on- it will all be too real. Tina MacRae you are the most amazing person I know. You are a second mother to every child you come across. You have thousands of kids calling you mom and will grieve everyday you are gone. I grieve for those who will never get to have you be their mama. I grieve for your kids, your husband, your brother, your dad. I grieve for your friends. Please pull through. I know you need a miracle among miracles but if anyone needs to prove that it can be done you will do it. We love you Tina. We do not want to miss you- we need you.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grinding away

I know for my loyal followers (just kidding) you have been waiting on bended knee for me to blog again. It's just I don't have much to say. Life is pretty much the same- busy busy busy and prett boring and mundane. But I like it that way.
I am trying to decide if we go back to public school. Do not get me wrong, I love the twins school but 30K plus a year is hard to swallow. If we had an endless amount of money of some help from relatives we could keep them where I believe they are getting the best education possible. But, having a chid with special needs who needs additional support is expensive. At public school they have to give him an aide if he needs one in the classroom-- and I know there are good teachers, but with all the budget cuts the classrooms are too big, the individualized programs such as gifted etc. are being phased out. Not sure what to do. I am going to tour the local school this week and see what kind of feeling I get from it. Then I guess I'll know.
Other than that- back to the daily grind.